I became curious about his attitude as he prayed with the patient each time we had to act even if the patient was of a different religious denomination from his.I had earlier observed that some patients with (malignant) conditions already classified as doomed to die within weeks to months had an extra-ordinary survival of years to decades in his hands.So in my inquisitiveness, I asked my teacher why all medical literature and experts were/are condemning patients with such conditions to death even before their divine call comes
He said I quote"It is not all about intelligence, it is not all about skills or knowledge, it is about the healing hand of God".No matter how talented one is, one has to always have in mind that the divine one determines the final outcome of every intervention or action we undertake in life.This doesn't some how undermine the importance of good training and the need for the medic to forge for excellent skills and a proficient hand craft.
When one considers a patient as a brother or sister not just a mere object for training nor a client for making money, a spiritual bond is added to the physical patient-doctor relationship.This bridge brings in the main determinant of the team's success-God.
A condition sine qua non for the success of surgery is harmony in the operation room,harmony with oneself, harmony between the surgeon and the patient and other members of the team and the environment.The presence of an odd third party in the theatre who is not in synch with rest of the team members leads to a desynchronization---the bond is breached with a risk of failure of the surgery.This confounder though often neglected should be sought for before and during surgery and corrected.
To make long short, one should always remember that ....it is not all about talent,intelligence, nor knowledge...there is always a hidden divine hand of healing.Our humane actions should never be dissociated from divine providence.
Pray before you act and your actions will be miraculously transformed into success.Good day.