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Having cumulatively accrued an avalanche of experience and wisdom over the years through the reading of books, observing and listening to the stories of men, events and places, I have resorted to spending more time thinking. To be more efficient and effective, I thought of creating a life log book in which my ideas will be succinctly recorded hence -this blog: E.I.N GALAXY

Sunday, November 28, 2021

When tragedy befalls you (II)

 When tragedy befalls you 

And every strategy looms all over

When your heart bleeds with pain 

and your limbic raging with anger

Stay on, hold on and fight on

For it's in the storm that you must not quit

For God is the master of your life

When uncertainty sets into your life

 When uncertainty sets into your life

When the world's weight seems all on you

And your clock seems kicking contrariwise

When the wind seems moving against you

And your feeble mind can bear it no more

Keep on moving and smiling

For God is the master of your life

When life is Hard

 When life is hard 

And there’s nothing you can do about it 

When all the options have been exhausted

And yet there's no light in the darkness

When the future seems centuries away

Keep calm and chive on

For the future holds the destiny....

..... that cannot be escaped.

When tragedy befalls you

 When tragedy befalls you

And your world appears upside down

When your dreams seem all shattered

And your future clouded in oblivion

Do not quit in the heart of the storm

Even if everything seems all over

For God has a better plan for you

When things go wrong

When things go wrong

And the world seems revealing

That adversity'll keep repeating

And everybody keeps retreating

Leaving you solo in the limbo

Don’t let it drag you down

For God is the master of your life 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Opportunity in adversity

 I believe the circumstances of one’s birth should not be a limitation to one’s ability to dream and fly high. Where one trains and practices neurosurgery should not impede one’s ability to innovate, contribute, and influence science.  I am an optimist, and a highly motivated person. Having had a fair share from life, I am morally compelled to create similar opportunities for my peers and junior colleagues. My dream is to contribute to the development of neurosurgery in my country, Africa and Worldwide. This is already happening with the confidence bestowed on me to lead Young African Neurosurgeons Forum and WFNS YNF, and my recent appointment as the Deputy Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Global Neurosurgery. So far My journey in Neurosurgery been rewarding, gratifying and satisfactory and I am looking forward towards more blossoming days.

Read more at: THE VOICE OF… (

Saturday, April 3, 2021

WFNS Gazette

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Stay focused on the Big Picture while paying attention to details as there are opportunities in every adversity.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Bitter Truth about Africa

 Africa shall rise the day the thin N-S line is obliterated.

Africa shall win the day the dark, brown and white skin think and act like the Nasser, Kadafi, Mandela

Africa shall rise the day all artificial racial, religious, and cultural distinctions shall be effaced.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Successful People

Successful people don't only focus on the future. They take along lessons of the past.
They are not destroyers but builders.
They are not inhibitors but catalysts.
They are optimists, pace setters,  inspirators, motivators and influencers.
If you're not one then work hard  to be

Everything happens for a reason

Everything happens for a reason. The people we meet, the places we visit and the things we discover. They are all predesigned to be part of our life's story.
Build strong human bonds, travel to places & explore the World for our earthly sojourn is temporal and our existence transient.