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Having cumulatively accrued an avalanche of experience and wisdom over the years through the reading of books, observing and listening to the stories of men, events and places, I have resorted to spending more time thinking. To be more efficient and effective, I thought of creating a life log book in which my ideas will be succinctly recorded hence -this blog: E.I.N GALAXY

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lessons from 2014

In real life, there are no perfect persons, there are no perfect places and there are no perfect times. At any time at any place with any person, give in your best and make the best of what you have.Life is a dynamic process and no condition is permanent. 
No matter how bad the day was....think positive before you sleep!...for the very last thing you do before bed affects your mood and energy level the following day since it often determines how well and how much you sleep.
Likewise, no matter how bad the night was....get up, dress up and show up....and think positive before you start the day. God bless you. Happy 2015! EIN

Thursday, December 11, 2014


It is impossible to be best at something you don’t like,
something which you don’t do with passion,
something which isn’t your dream;
 for you will give up at the first obstacle.

Journey of Life

It doesn't matter who you are, where you are now or where you are from....what really matters is where you are going to.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Invincible Hand of God

The older you become, the more you begin to understand that hard work is not enough...........
There is need for the Invincible hand of God to transform your dreams and effort into reality. 
You know you've attained maturity when you begin to see the hand of God in every outcome of your life.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Power of Prayer

The rich count on their wealth,
The Wise count on their wisdom,
The Powerful count on their strength,
The Intelligent count on their knowledge,

Thank You God for my life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Nemesis Catches up with Blaise Compaoré

Twenty-seven years ago, one of the greatest leader of Pan-Africanism was murdered in cold blood.Today his ghost has returned a million folds stronger not to avenge his death but to rekindle the idea and the cause for which he fought and died for. Heros never die, Sankara was never dead, he is back, he is back.
As the saying goes: what goes around comes around. Campaoré has been paid back in his own coins. Nemesis has caught up with him for the evil he committed closed to three decades ago by back stabbing his friend. He just got a commensurate comeuppance for his three decades of tyranny by facing the wrath & rage of his own people. Inferno awaits him... The forces of goodwill shall always prevail.
Viva Burkina Faso. Viva Thomas Sankara! Viva Africa.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Life is a Spectrum

Nothing in life is certain except for uncertainty
No condition in life is permanent except for change
Reality is ambiguous and life is probabilistic
Dichotomy is a monomaniac fantasy
As life is neither white nor black
In fact Life is  a spectral gray continuum....
Ever changing and uncertain.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dark Side of Life

When tragedy befalls you
And your world appears upside down
When your dreams seem all shattered
And your future clouded in oblivion
Do not quit in the heart of the storm
Even if everything seems all over

For God has a better plan for you

Hardship and Endurance in Life

When life is hard 
And there’s nothing you can do about it 
When all the options have been exhausted
And yet there's no light in the darkness
When the future seems centuries away
Keep calm and chive on
For the future holds the destiny....

..... that cannot be escaped.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Talent and Opportunity

Talent without opportunity is as useless has no talent. Sometimes people end up as unskilled laborers because they had no opportunity to do skilled work.
This is the scenario in most of the developing countries where a vast majority of the population is considered unskilled whereas they have actually been been forced into that state by unemployment or better still the availability of more unskilled than skilled jobs.
In these set ups, it is not uncommon to find a varsity graduate as a fully indulged street vendor. Worst still, sometimes because of the prevailing corruption and mismanagement, an inverse scenario occurs where the unqualified have more access to jobs than than the trained skilled persons. This makes both unskilled and less proficient!
None-the-less, unemployment is the main cause of an increasing unskilled labor in the developing world. Create more skilled jobs and you will be surprised by the turn up of skilled job seekers
However it is noteworthy that doing an unskilled job doesn't make one an unskilled person! 

Albert Einstein summed it up by saying  
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Our minds are filled with an intricate complexity of woven thoughts built on past experiences to ready us for the future.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Ebola virus: Moving From an Epidemic to a Pandemic

A case was reported and little or nothing was done,
Then One City was involved and nothing sufficient  was done,
Then a country and a region and now the whole continent is under the threat of one of the deadliest disease in modern times.
As if this is not enough, the world is "passively active" towards this now pandemic threatening to clear the earth of  humanity.
No time for watchful waiting, no time for miracles,....action is needed now or it will be too late!
Oh Poor Africa! How I wish I could do something. God help us!

Monday, October 6, 2014

One Good Turn Deserves Another

Ndop, Cameroon 2008
It was a busy Monday morning with many patients to attend to. Mondays were usually very crowded and I was always psychologically prepared for such a high turn over. There were no breaks. I usually start from 8 am and end at the earliest 4 pm.
On that faithful day, I had just completed my daily chores and was taking a rest in front of my office.Then appeared from a distance a motorcycle with two persons. The rider, rode directly at me and made a stop a few meters from my feet. My docta, the rider said. I rebuked at their lateness but the old man who could barely climb down answered in a polite son, don't be angry, we left since sun rise but the roads are so horrible...he continued. At the sight of the old man, I immediately changed the tone of my voice. The bike rider helped him into my office and immediately I started the consultation. At the end of the consultation, he offered me the consultation fee which I turned down. Surprised and amazed at this, he told me...."What kind of human being are you?" I smiled and told him..."Pa use the money to buy your drugs" and " see me after two weeks". He never came back for follow up and I assumed three things: he got well and found no need to come, he got worse and decided to see another doctor or died.

Three months after, I got a surprise visit. On arriving the hospital one morning, I spotted a huge bunch of plantains obstructing the entrance into my office. As I tried to take it off to open the door, I heard a deep voice from behind...."Docta where have you been?". I turned and could hardly make out the person speaking. He looked directly into my eyes and said "THANK YOU DR"...."I am the man.....". I immediately reconciled his face to the story. He presented his gift to me but before he left he told me something which I will never forget...."Good people still exist"..."even though you have the age of my youngest son, I have learned from you that Life is not about money"...... "continue to be a good man and God will bless you abundantly". I could feel his sincerity and appreciation.
As if it was a direct compensation from God, on arriving home that evening, I checked my mails.....I had picked up a scholarship to travel to Brussels.....As I laid on my bed that evening meditating......the words of the old man kept repeating in my mind!..."continue to be a good man and God will bless you abundantly"!


God is one,
Our Universe is one,
The earth is one, Our world is one.
......but sadly the people are not one!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Background Pain

I thought it was gone, but deep in my heart lies still the residual
I wish I could completely suppress this painful emotion,
but it keeps recurring, reminiscence of the bad days of agony
I wish it never happened for it will take years to completely remit.
God help me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Scientist--The career you have been destined for!

You're brilliant and calculated. 

You know how to separate emotions from reason. 

You have an experimental attitude towards life, 

and are mostly motivated by big, challenging problems. 

The world is your little playground, 

and what you do benefits our entire species.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I Miss My Family

I woke up this morning to find out that the house was quieter than usual
Nobody to tell me Darling good morning-as my wife will usually say

I went from room to room hoping to find someone but they were all empty
I miss my little daughter Cindy
In the morning, she will come to the study room and say with a smile on her face
I usually respond and she will say eh! I miss her, I miss her so much.
I miss my son Jace
He sleeps late but gets up earliest to watch his favorite Oscar’s Oasis. A boy of action who never speaks but talks with signs. I usually tease him to clap his hands or say hi 5 before I give him his favorite pineapple drink.
I miss my little boy...Ryan the Neurosurgeon as he will want himself to be called.
He dreams of becoming a Brain surgeon and I hope he grows up to. He will want to do everything I do and same way I do. I wish he was by my side to always give him what he wants.
My wife, my best friend…she is a Super Mama…the most supportive woman a man can find. She stood by me always. During my dark days she will encourage and cheer me up. She is the reason I will keep walking daily. I thank God for giving her to me.
As they parted from the airport, the atmosphere was as if normal but as I woke up this morning, I felt something was absent in my life. Somebody was absent. Some people were not there. I miss you….I miss you.  God give me the strength. It is going to be hard but I will try to be strong.

Thank you God for my family.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Stay Positive

The very last thing you do before bed affects your mood and energy level the following day since it often determines how well and how much you sleep.
No matter how bad the day was....think positive before you sleep!

God's Plan

When things don't happen the way you want and when you want...then God is directing you to something better at the anointed hour.
All that is required of you is perseverance, prayers and patience.
Some times things don't turn out positive not because you aren't good enough or didn't give in your best but because that is how God has destined them to be.
Believe me, it works.... this is my experience.


You know you have attained maturity once you start seeing God's hand in every event of your life

Thursday, August 21, 2014


God's ways are not man's ways
Man proposes, God disposes.
Have faith in God

Saturday, August 16, 2014


 “God doesn't come down from Heaven to help his faithful ones, but sends people in the form of angels”. Nothing in this world happens randomly; our destinies have already been designed for us by God. Destiny can not be changed but only delayed. On your journey to your destined home, God will guide and protect you.
I used to worry but I do so no more for there is no problem without a solution. Everything shall come to pass for every cloud has a silver lining. Believe in Your destiny- the place God has reserved for you!.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

God Will Make The Way

God will make a way

Where there seems to be no way
and when there seems to be no way

He works in ways we cannot see

He will always make a way...

when you have FAITH in HIM!

Watch by clicking on link below:

Monday, August 4, 2014

Wednesday 11:05 30/07/2014 CALL

I thought it was a dream, I thought I was dreaming but it was real.
I got a call, the call, the most important call I have been waiting for ages
It was a +49 number ........................
hello, hello I heard, is that Esene? I said " yes I am, speak on......
Then the message was broken to me. "your......
In disbelief I turned to my wife and said , God has done it!
It was a short call lasting 00:00:50 seconds
but carried the most important message of my life.
it delivered the message of hope, the message for a brighter future

From that moment, my pain became a gain and
my sadness transformed  into happiness.
I felt as if I had been relieved of a 1 trillion ton weight
I knew and believed HE was going to do it but didn't know when!
His timing is only known to him,his ways are only known by him.
You will always make a way when there seems to be no way.
It might take months or years but you will always answer your servant's call.

Thank you Lord, you've raised my head high,
Thank you God, you've given me dignity
Thank you God, you've once more affirmed and
re-affirmed your commitments and plans for me
Thank you Lord, you've taught me the lessons of life
Prayer is the key, the master key
Prayers, persistence, patience are the words..

I believe in destiny, I believe in the plan you have for me.
God, I know you have greater and bigger plans for me
I believe you created me for a purpose and
until you are done, my life will continue to be filled with surprises.
The surprises you have reserved for me
There is no one greater than you, you've shown and proven it.
No one can change your plans.

Now the job is mine,
now is time for me to show the world of your greatness.
Now is time to tell the world you are worthy to be praised
I have always, I am and I will always trust in you.
I believe in my destiny, the supreme plan you have for me.
I believe, you will continue to guide me until I achieve all you've planned for me.

Thank you God for guiding and protecting me through these moments of trials and temptations
I used the stones thrown at me to build my way
You taught me to transform all my disabilities into abilities
You taught me to believe that everything happens for me and not to me
You gave me the wisdom to transform every negativity to positivity, trials into triumph.

God you and you only, know of the journey of my life
No one but you knows how far I have come,
the impediments I have breached and the the battles I have fought,
the rivers I have crossed and the mountains I have climbed

God you and only you know of the sacrifices I have made,
the sacrifices of my parents, friends and family
the sacrifices of my country and many other people
Things couldn't just end at this level, at least not when I have come this far

I knew you were never going to let your son suffer injustice and unfairness indefinitely
I knew your silence was to give me the opportunity to understand  life, men and places.
I knew you were going to pick up the call  at the right moment.
Lord , you have given me one more reason to smile

When I was hungry , you provided me with food
When I was sad, you put a smile on a face
When I was angry, you calmed my limbic
When I was tired you replenished my energy
When I was discouraged you encouraged me

Now I am a completely new person, transformed by pain and suffering into a kind hearted, forgiving  and patient being ready to serve no one but you-for NO One is greater than you, LORD. Thank  you God for my Life.


The price might be unaffordable

because the cost is high;

The pain might be unbearable

because the suffering is unspeakable;

But it is worthwhile if it is for your right,

It is worth trying if it is for your dignity.

It is worthwhile if it is your dream

To get a prize you must pay a price-this is the law of nature!

There is no reward without effort,

There is no prize without a price,

There is no happiness without pain,

There is no laughter without tears,

There is no success without struggle.

For the most rewarding thing in life,

is that for which the cost was high!

... the one that initially seemed impossible!

That most rewarding thing in life ....

Is the choice that most wouldn't want to choose

Is the risk that most wouldn't want to take

Is the journey that most never wanted to travel

Is the time that most never wanted to sacrifice

Is in the place that most never wanted to stay in

Make a choice to take the risk, and the reward will be yours!

20140615 EIN

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


It is difficult to make a man not to do something when he makes his living by doing it.
To make him change, there must be alternatives without which change will be impossible.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Experience in Life

Unfortunately, we only gain complete experience of life at the end of our lives. No time to use the experience! But if we were to be given a second  chance of another life on Earth, many people will obviously choose paths different from those in their previous lives.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Changing Dreams

As a little body growing up in a rural setting in the 80s,  each time I saw  an airplane fly across the sky I dreamt to one day fly to the moon or better still to heaven. If  I had to make one wish to God , then it was to make me "fly like a bird" or "swim like a fish". Today my dreams have changed. How I wish there were other safer alternatives than flying in a plane! The thought of boarding an airplane even triggers electric shock waves down my spine. My eagerness of getting into a plane has been transformed into an anxiety of aerophobia wishing to quickly land when I am obliged to be in one. Now I fear travelling and the hodophobia increases with time. If I choose to go by land the automobile might crash breaking my bones; if I use the the ship, it may make a head on collision with an iceberg and  sink rendering my body food for water creatures. If I go on foot my feet will hurt. My childhood dreams of flying in the sky or sailing in the sea are gradually fading. I am acquainting myself to my new life-style of travel aversiveness. May be until there are newer and safer travelling alternatives.
Our dreams change as life changes!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dogs, Bones and Meat

Dogs do not actually prefer bones to meat; it is just that no one ever gives them meat.(African Proverb)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Mandela Verbally Paralyses a Journalist

Jamais-vu: Mandela verbally paralyses Mr Koppel  transiently transforming  him globally aphasic,  mute and dysphonic  and finally rendering him bemused.
What an epitome of African Intelligence and oratorship! He is a real African Hero. He is gone but his soul goes marching on.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Listen keenly, look deeply and think critically and you will understand life.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


We are created unique with special attributes. By comparing oneself to others is an insult to the creator of life and auto-injustice!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Injustice and Unfairness

If you expect the world to be fair with you because you're fair, is like asking a lion not to eat you because you don't eat lions. It has taken me three decades to understand what the world is all about….a place of injustice and unfairness. 
 I have come to reconcile with the fact that Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win.
But the most important is to take the lesson to the future

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Collateral thinking is the ability to think laterally while concomitantly respecting traditional thinking and having regard for conventional wisdom. Most of the world’s population has been brought up to think conventionally. A few are lateral thinkers and a little less are collateral thinkers.I am a proponent of collateral thinking!.

Lateral thinking is a prerequisite to innovation and a condition sine qua non to invention but usually encounters fierce impedance at the start/ during the course, almost so that most of the times, the ideas of lateral thinkers hardly ever go beyond the neurons  that conceived them to  come to light. This is because as one of my teachers used to tell me:
Deviate from tradition, Say something new…. and no one will like to listen to you! Try to convince anyone to accept and you will just be hated….even if everyone knows deep in the sub-consciously mind that you are right! This is human nature! Don’t or never force anyone to abide to your idea, convince him /her to look at his/her own ideas from a different angle—your angle of vision…this is collateral thinking!

Lateral thinkers are idea developers endowed with the ability not only to see at a distance but also to see rightly whereas collateral thinking is the mindset needed to take the idea everywhere.Collateral thinkers  are clairvoyant visionaries ; they are fighters not affected by controversy and  with a positive mindset commendable to be trusted. They believe adversity happens for them not to them and explore and exploit every situation they find themselves positively. They have the ability to change negativity into positivity.

Conventional thinkers simply respect and follow the rules!

Collateral thinking is thus a subtle way of incorporating and blending “lateral thinking-” into “traditional ways (the usual)” without causing friction between schools of thought. Everyone stays within his comfort zone, considers his/her idea as contributive but sub-consciously accepting the new way! Esene 06-06-2014
To which group do you belong? Traditional, Collateral or Lateral?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Power of Negative Thoughts

The reality of life is that everything we see when we look and hear when we listen represents just the tip of the iceberg of a bigger picture. This affects our thoughts and the way we think greatly affects our body, mind and soul. If our thoughts can affect even the microscopic texture of our tears (see photos), then imagine what that can do to our bodies as a whole, not to talk of our souls. Furthermore, our thoughts affect our beliefs about ourselves and about others. Although the science of thoughts leaves much to be unraveled, the baseline is “our thoughts greatly impact on all the components of our lives”. Positive thoughts about ourselves, about others and about our environment produce an overall positive effect on our lives, so as do negative thoughts. Negativity is self destructive, propagates exponentially faster than positivity and usually leaves irreparable physical and spiritual sores and indelible scars. Like begets like. Positive thoughts beget a positive life.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Disproportionate Effort and Reward

During my two years of obligatory medical service  in Ndop, Cameroon,  I saw men, women and children toiling and moiling under the hot blazing sun and cold chilly nights beneath the ngoketunjia hills yielding a harvest which I may term "infra" optimal. I used to wonder and ponder if the negative effects of rice cultivation in the Ndop plain didn’t surpass the benefits (“exaggerated!”).
I saw children dying from anaemia secondary to malaria - the stagnant waters (of Bambalang) being the niche for the transmitting vector the anopheles.This gave Ndop the reputation of being one of the regions of the country with the highest prevalence of malaria!
I received teens with hernias , young ladies with backaches from recurrent muscular stress and strain while working in the rice farms.

Ironically, most of these farmers never had enough funds to pay their medical bills nor educate their children because of the inefficient methods used in rice cultivation. My impressions were much effort was put in without a commensurate output! Rice cultivation was mostly for subsistence- much man power used, much time invested, much natural resources (land etc) used for meager output! But whose fault?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Frustrations of Technology

Many great discoveries and inventions of the world were done long before the era of the smart phones and computers; when men used the abacus to count, feather quill pens to write and the ability to read was a privilege of a few. Then men had little or no knowledge about the earth which was believed to be flat and to be the center of the universe. There were no airplanes, no phones and satellites were inexistent. Yet more than 80% of today’s existing knowledge was built-up during that epoch.
Despite all the advancements in technology today, the world has been unable to trace the Malaysia MH370 plane that went missing since months. In spite of today’s acclaimed technology, the world hasn’t been able to track down a group of unscrupulous Boko Haram extremists (Nigeria) holding hundreds of girls hostage since weeks and tarnishing the reputation of one fastest growing economy of the world.
The above two scenarios are really exposing the limitations of today’s level of technology. It still beats my imagine how an object as large as Airplane MH 370 equipped with the most sophisticated chips and a crowd as huge as 300 girls cannot be traced and tracked. This is also a reminder of how vulnerable we are today! It is time to go for alternatives rather than comforting ourselves that we are surpassing the age of technology and moving into the robotic age! 

What a world of technology!
May be we should resort to African magic, the African technology… be continued!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


In real life, there are no perfect persons, there are no perfect places and there are no perfect times. At any time at any place with any person, give in your best and make the best of what you have.Life is a dynamic process and no condition is permanent. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Why on earth will a man suddenly fall in love with one and only one Lady from billions of women? Why on earth will a Lady choose to live the rest of her life with only one man from the millions on the surface of the universe? An avalanche of attempted responses have been advanced to answer this challenging question but one of the most plausible explanation goes thus……..
A fortnight ago I was privileged to listen to an eloquent speaker who cumulatively and concomitantly enjoys the prowess of being one of the most celebrated scientist of our times. He suggested that the answer lies within our sub-conscious mind. After perusing through my flood of thoughts, I concur with this.
As a human evolves from childhood to adulthood, (s)he progressively builds an image in the sub-conscious mind of the ideal partner (s)he will like to have. This virtual image borne in our minds becomes a reality when we meet the person whose attitude, aptitude, altitude and other personal attributes match with our imaginative “ideal”. The journey of a compatible relationship thus begins.
This image of the “ideal person” is influenced by one’s intrinsic desires and exposure to the outside world. This might be a celebrity, a mentor, or simply some imaginative ideal when we set our minds wondering. But do “ideals” really exist? Many people under duress bow for the proxy to their “ideals” to satisfy temporal social pressures. In the long run, incompatibility becomes evident and divorce becomes eminent. For sure very few meet their ideals during their earthly sojourn. But as an African adage goes, in the absence of the crocodile, we can perfectly manage the lizard (reminiscence of my friends from CCAST Bambili..).
“Perfection” and “ideals” are alien to mankind. In real life we do rarely meet our ”Ideals” , we build them. The difficulty which sets in is that of what trade-off one must make to go for a “near ideal”! This is because if one must wait for the “ideal” Mr. Right/Miss Right then one will definitely wait forever,……..for ideals only exist in an Eldorado. EIN 2014-04-17.
“And Miss X is thinking: Maybe I'm just too idealistic, waiting for a knight to come riding up on his white horse, when I'm sitting right next to a perfectly good person, a person I enjoy being with, a person I truly do care about, a person who seems to truly care about me. (Anonymous)”.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Life and Choices

You defeat yourself when you try to control things outside of your direct influence.
Life is a balance between intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Quite often, you can control the former not the latter. An early-in-life understanding of this limits your frustration in life. Although your external environment keeps changing, although people around you keep changing, although events around you keep changing, you should always strive to maintain your internal milieu at a relatively steady state. Chaos sets in once control of "self" is lost. Most important, you should always have at the back of your mind that, the person who has the most to do with you is you, not some person(s), not some external forces, not your environment but you and the choices you make. Try as much to be rationale when you make your choices…..because your life is controlled by your choices.

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Turkish International Basic Neurosurgery Course (IBNC): A Panacea for Continuing Neurosurgical Education.

Esene IN. The Turkish International Basic Neurosurgery Course (IBNC): A Panacea for Continuing Neurosurgical Education.Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği Bülteni / Ocak 2014.p21.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


One of the most difficult thing in life is trying not to think. The human mind was made to think and it is just unthinkable when one tries not to do so. Most of the times we spend a lot of time thinking about the past, pondering about the present and worrying & speculating about posterity. The past is gone, the present  just passed to become the past and  only time will tell what the future holds. No need to be worked up thinking so much! Cheer up and relax!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Three things for sure will happen in life: Birth...Growth...Death! As for the timing, place and person ....only the God knows!

Friday, March 21, 2014

One Life

The reality of life is that each individual cuts his/her own path. In the course of your path, have courage.There is no real loss in occasional failure.Be patient and satisfied with small rewards and steps all will add up.Most importantly, enjoy the process of living coz you've only got one chance to live!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Difficult times

It is in times of difficulties that one understands the realities of life. It is in times of difficulties that one comprehends people.It is in times of difficulties that one understands the Power of God.
Truly, God keeps away flies from the tailless cow! You just have to pray and trust in him.

Vision and Action

Vision without action is a dream. 
Action without vision is simply passing the time.
No vision with no action makes a negative difference 
Action with vision is making a positive difference.
(Joel Barker)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Effort-Reward in Real Life

Most of the times Most people will always like to put in the least effort and expecting to reap the highest benefit-This is the phenomenon of inverse/paradoxical reciprocality of life.But when things turnout otherwise demotivation is incriminated as the cause for inertia. The reality of life is that, for a given effort, one gets at its best an on par benefit or less but never more..except….! (EIN 2013).

Values and Virtues

Never give up your morals values or virtues in exchange for anything. When the European missionaries came to Africa, they told us, polygamy or more precisely polyandry was “bad” and a “sin”. Polyandry was an African cultural value for an avalanche of reasons. Then, nothing was mentioned of human rights to protect this African value. Today, same countries under the pretext of “human rights” want to force homosexuality to us something which is not only considered as a sin in most religions but a cultural taboo that doesn’t tie with our good African moral values. Africans wouldn’t succumb to any duress as homosexuality will only add our burden and increase the pending list of unsolved social problems. In Cameroon, it is proscribed in accordance with article 347 of our penal code with deviants punishable, likewise in most or all African countries. If you are a proponent of homosexuality then Africa is not the place for you. Bravo, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, Gambia…….

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wars & Peace

Wars are a consequence of geopolitical power struggle and financial gains. The majority have nothing to do with bringing peace and happiness to ordinary people which is always the media motive for war. Don’t go to war hoping to gain peace in return!
If men would consider not so much where they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world says Joseph Addison.
Everyone must not share the same opinion and everything must not be the same- homogeneity is alien and utopic to man. Discussing differences & compromising to come out with practical win-win solutions is what really makes life interesting. Life is not a dichotomous black/white Yes/No, Left/Right, Win/lose ….as conventional teaching has conditioned us to think. Life is a spectrum with 80% of the events,  people & thinking falling within the Gaussian middle. Unfortunately, the powerful, minority and  extreme right-left 20% determine and set the pace for the rest to follow!
Imagine a homogenous world where everyone one was to think in the same way, had same hobby, ate same food, spoke same language, belonged to same religion, ethnicity, and
all plants had same color…what a dull world would it have been!
Therefore we must not simply fight, nor go to war because we are different or think differently!
Just thinking aloud at the dawn of a New Year.