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Having cumulatively accrued an avalanche of experience and wisdom over the years through the reading of books, observing and listening to the stories of men, events and places, I have resorted to spending more time thinking. To be more efficient and effective, I thought of creating a life log book in which my ideas will be succinctly recorded hence -this blog: E.I.N GALAXY

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Turkish International Basic Neurosurgery Course (IBNC): A Panacea for Continuing Neurosurgical Education.

Esene IN. The Turkish International Basic Neurosurgery Course (IBNC): A Panacea for Continuing Neurosurgical Education.Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği Bülteni / Ocak 2014.p21.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


One of the most difficult thing in life is trying not to think. The human mind was made to think and it is just unthinkable when one tries not to do so. Most of the times we spend a lot of time thinking about the past, pondering about the present and worrying & speculating about posterity. The past is gone, the present  just passed to become the past and  only time will tell what the future holds. No need to be worked up thinking so much! Cheer up and relax!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Three things for sure will happen in life: Birth...Growth...Death! As for the timing, place and person ....only the God knows!

Friday, March 21, 2014

One Life

The reality of life is that each individual cuts his/her own path. In the course of your path, have courage.There is no real loss in occasional failure.Be patient and satisfied with small rewards and steps all will add up.Most importantly, enjoy the process of living coz you've only got one chance to live!