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Having cumulatively accrued an avalanche of experience and wisdom over the years through the reading of books, observing and listening to the stories of men, events and places, I have resorted to spending more time thinking. To be more efficient and effective, I thought of creating a life log book in which my ideas will be succinctly recorded hence -this blog: E.I.N GALAXY

Friday, October 31, 2014

Nemesis Catches up with Blaise Compaoré

Twenty-seven years ago, one of the greatest leader of Pan-Africanism was murdered in cold blood.Today his ghost has returned a million folds stronger not to avenge his death but to rekindle the idea and the cause for which he fought and died for. Heros never die, Sankara was never dead, he is back, he is back.
As the saying goes: what goes around comes around. Campaoré has been paid back in his own coins. Nemesis has caught up with him for the evil he committed closed to three decades ago by back stabbing his friend. He just got a commensurate comeuppance for his three decades of tyranny by facing the wrath & rage of his own people. Inferno awaits him... The forces of goodwill shall always prevail.
Viva Burkina Faso. Viva Thomas Sankara! Viva Africa.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Life is a Spectrum

Nothing in life is certain except for uncertainty
No condition in life is permanent except for change
Reality is ambiguous and life is probabilistic
Dichotomy is a monomaniac fantasy
As life is neither white nor black
In fact Life is  a spectral gray continuum....
Ever changing and uncertain.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dark Side of Life

When tragedy befalls you
And your world appears upside down
When your dreams seem all shattered
And your future clouded in oblivion
Do not quit in the heart of the storm
Even if everything seems all over

For God has a better plan for you

Hardship and Endurance in Life

When life is hard 
And there’s nothing you can do about it 
When all the options have been exhausted
And yet there's no light in the darkness
When the future seems centuries away
Keep calm and chive on
For the future holds the destiny....

..... that cannot be escaped.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Talent and Opportunity

Talent without opportunity is as useless has no talent. Sometimes people end up as unskilled laborers because they had no opportunity to do skilled work.
This is the scenario in most of the developing countries where a vast majority of the population is considered unskilled whereas they have actually been been forced into that state by unemployment or better still the availability of more unskilled than skilled jobs.
In these set ups, it is not uncommon to find a varsity graduate as a fully indulged street vendor. Worst still, sometimes because of the prevailing corruption and mismanagement, an inverse scenario occurs where the unqualified have more access to jobs than than the trained skilled persons. This makes both unskilled and less proficient!
None-the-less, unemployment is the main cause of an increasing unskilled labor in the developing world. Create more skilled jobs and you will be surprised by the turn up of skilled job seekers
However it is noteworthy that doing an unskilled job doesn't make one an unskilled person! 

Albert Einstein summed it up by saying  
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Our minds are filled with an intricate complexity of woven thoughts built on past experiences to ready us for the future.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Ebola virus: Moving From an Epidemic to a Pandemic

A case was reported and little or nothing was done,
Then One City was involved and nothing sufficient  was done,
Then a country and a region and now the whole continent is under the threat of one of the deadliest disease in modern times.
As if this is not enough, the world is "passively active" towards this now pandemic threatening to clear the earth of  humanity.
No time for watchful waiting, no time for miracles,....action is needed now or it will be too late!
Oh Poor Africa! How I wish I could do something. God help us!

Monday, October 6, 2014

One Good Turn Deserves Another

Ndop, Cameroon 2008
It was a busy Monday morning with many patients to attend to. Mondays were usually very crowded and I was always psychologically prepared for such a high turn over. There were no breaks. I usually start from 8 am and end at the earliest 4 pm.
On that faithful day, I had just completed my daily chores and was taking a rest in front of my office.Then appeared from a distance a motorcycle with two persons. The rider, rode directly at me and made a stop a few meters from my feet. My docta, the rider said. I rebuked at their lateness but the old man who could barely climb down answered in a polite son, don't be angry, we left since sun rise but the roads are so horrible...he continued. At the sight of the old man, I immediately changed the tone of my voice. The bike rider helped him into my office and immediately I started the consultation. At the end of the consultation, he offered me the consultation fee which I turned down. Surprised and amazed at this, he told me...."What kind of human being are you?" I smiled and told him..."Pa use the money to buy your drugs" and " see me after two weeks". He never came back for follow up and I assumed three things: he got well and found no need to come, he got worse and decided to see another doctor or died.

Three months after, I got a surprise visit. On arriving the hospital one morning, I spotted a huge bunch of plantains obstructing the entrance into my office. As I tried to take it off to open the door, I heard a deep voice from behind...."Docta where have you been?". I turned and could hardly make out the person speaking. He looked directly into my eyes and said "THANK YOU DR"...."I am the man.....". I immediately reconciled his face to the story. He presented his gift to me but before he left he told me something which I will never forget...."Good people still exist"..."even though you have the age of my youngest son, I have learned from you that Life is not about money"...... "continue to be a good man and God will bless you abundantly". I could feel his sincerity and appreciation.
As if it was a direct compensation from God, on arriving home that evening, I checked my mails.....I had picked up a scholarship to travel to Brussels.....As I laid on my bed that evening meditating......the words of the old man kept repeating in my mind!..."continue to be a good man and God will bless you abundantly"!


God is one,
Our Universe is one,
The earth is one, Our world is one.
......but sadly the people are not one!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Background Pain

I thought it was gone, but deep in my heart lies still the residual
I wish I could completely suppress this painful emotion,
but it keeps recurring, reminiscence of the bad days of agony
I wish it never happened for it will take years to completely remit.
God help me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Scientist--The career you have been destined for!

You're brilliant and calculated. 

You know how to separate emotions from reason. 

You have an experimental attitude towards life, 

and are mostly motivated by big, challenging problems. 

The world is your little playground, 

and what you do benefits our entire species.