Ndop, Cameroon 2008
It was a busy Monday morning with many patients to attend to. Mondays were usually very crowded and I was always psychologically prepared for such a high turn over. There were no breaks. I usually start from 8 am and end at the earliest 4 pm.
On that faithful day, I had just completed my daily chores and was taking a rest in front of my office.Then appeared from a distance a motorcycle with two persons. The rider, rode directly at me and made a stop a few meters from my feet. My docta, the rider said. I rebuked at their lateness but the old man who could barely climb down answered in a polite way....my son, don't be angry, we left since sun rise but the roads are so horrible...he continued. At the sight of the old man, I immediately changed the tone of my voice. The bike rider helped him into my office and immediately I started the consultation. At the end of the consultation, he offered me the consultation fee which I turned down. Surprised and amazed at this, he told me...."What kind of human being are you?" I smiled and told him..."Pa use the money to buy your drugs" and " see me after two weeks". He never came back for follow up and I assumed three things: he got well and found no need to come, he got worse and decided to see another doctor or died.
Three months after, I got a surprise visit. On arriving the hospital one morning, I spotted a huge bunch of plantains obstructing the entrance into my office. As I tried to take it off to open the door, I heard a deep voice from behind...."Docta where have you been?". I turned and could hardly make out the person speaking. He looked directly into my eyes and said "THANK YOU DR"...."I am the man.....". I immediately reconciled his face to the story. He presented his gift to me but before he left he told me something which I will never forget...."Good people still exist"..."even though you have the age of my youngest son, I have learned from you that Life is not about money"...... "continue to be a good man and God will bless you abundantly". I could feel his sincerity and appreciation.
As if it was a direct compensation from God, on arriving home that evening, I checked my mails.....I had picked up a scholarship to travel to Brussels.....As I laid on my bed that evening meditating......the words of the old man kept repeating in my mind!..."continue to be a good man and God will bless you abundantly"!