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Welcome to EIN GALAXY
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Having cumulatively accrued an avalanche of experience and wisdom over the years through the reading of books, observing and listening to the stories of men, events and places, I have resorted to spending more time thinking. To be more efficient and effective, I thought of creating a life log book in which my ideas will be succinctly recorded hence -this blog: E.I.N GALAXY

Friday, August 28, 2015

Strangeness of Life

This afternoon I decided to visit one of my favorite Café on the bank of Nile. 
While sipping a cup of (كركديه) (hibiscus tea) and listening to “Mini World” by Indila, an idea sprouted up…..
I decided to analyze the trend of events in my life over the last 5 years.
I observed something very strange ...a perplexing secular pattern….. 
“Same events recur periodically…… at similar moments…., same time of the year in almost same places”
Need to do an in-depth analysis of my calendar …….. Life is so strange

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Life is a struggle

Life is a struggle
Nobody will give it to you on a platter of gold
Sometimes people will pop in to help and support you
But most of the journey you will be alone
Not really alone per se but alone with God.