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Having cumulatively accrued an avalanche of experience and wisdom over the years through the reading of books, observing and listening to the stories of men, events and places, I have resorted to spending more time thinking. To be more efficient and effective, I thought of creating a life log book in which my ideas will be succinctly recorded hence -this blog: E.I.N GALAXY

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's Never Too Late


HIV/AIDS: Sexual Accidental Exposure(Adapted from: Directives Nationale de PEC des PVVS, Cameroun, 2007)A sexual exposure accident is an unexpected situation occurring as a result of RAPE or when the preservative (condom, femidom) accidental gives way (gets burst) during sexual intercourse. When this happens there is a risk of being contaminated with sexually transmitted infections, HIV virus inclusive especially if  the intercourse was with a doubtful partner. Another situation which might not be an accident per se may arise when one gets emotionally overwhelmed and forgets to take preventive measures during an intercourse with a doubtful partner. In the above situations one is exposed to and at is at risk of being contaminated with the HIV virus. However all is not lost!!! Something can still be done!!!Before continuing, I will like to cite a few situations in our daily lives where there is some risk of getting the virus:-During a bloody road traffic accident –if one gets soaked with blood from persons whose statuses are not known or when we use  unprotected hands to give assistance to a wounded person.The risk might be low but one never knows!!-Pricks from sharp objects during routine domestic chores or esthetic procedures (salon etc)When is there a risk of exposure?When one comes in contact with fresh blood of “unknown source” or sexual exposure as described above.What do I do when I feel exposed?In our Cameroonian context, you need to get to the closest health institution asap.There,the risk will be assessed by the medic and you will be told what to do.In the Occidental world, the risk may be low but is not zero!!! One still needs to be cautious.What is the essence of this?Recently, novel techniques have been proven to be effective in reducing one’s risk of contracting HIV after an accidental exposure. Years back after such risky situations, one only had to wait for divine luck.What is the rationale behind this?Usually after assessment by the competent authority, the person is said to have a risk or not. Should the risk be, the victim is put on what is called “Post Exposure Prophylaxis” (PEP) i.e. some kind of preventive treatment that will reduce the victim’s chances of getting the virus even if the source of the contaminant was of an HIV+ person.Usually, the victim is put on some medicines for 4 weeks within 2-8H and at the latest 72H (3days) for effectiveness. These drugs “block” the virus from getting into you and at the end of the treatment one’s chances of getting the virus is reduced.Nonetheless, there is a risk of 0.003% of unfortunately getting the infection i.e. for every 1000 with an accidental exposure who receive the prophylaxis, 3 get the infection!!!!You might be amongst the unlucky 3 so No Risky Business!!Other accompaniments to the PEP on the part of the victim will include, adoption of safe sexual practices (Abstinence, Condoms etc to prevent transmissions to other people during the period of seroconversion)The PEP is taken for 4 weeks after which serial testing at defined periods are made until the victim is declared negative.What is the Take-Home Message?One should avoid risky behavior that might lead to exposure.In the event of an exposure, the accident should be immediately reported. Don’t Say I didn’t Know!!!Please share this with your associates!!!Have a nice weekend.


  1. Thanks for such an informative blog. i realised that attimes in life if you can not change the direction of the wind , you just need to adjust yourself to the winds direction.
    Kudos . I have bookmarked your blog

  2. Good job for starting your blog. I'll visit frequently.

