If men would consider not so much where they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world says Joseph Addison.
Men were created different so as to enjoy, not suffer. Men are created different so much so that even identical twins still exhibit elements of difference. But why this difference poses a problem to many still beats my imagination!
This afternoon while I stood near a grocery feasting my eyes with the multiplicity of fruits displayed for sale, I curiously noticed that as people came and went ,no one found fault in the other’s choice of
purchase though each bought a fruit of a different colour,flavor...some went for the apple, some for the banana etc.
Making an inference to human nature I find it quite hard to comprehend why human differences are accepted by others with difficulty. From the very beginning men were created different as well as every
other thing on the surface of the universe.This difference ought to be explored at man’s advantage, for man’s happiness and for men to enjoy and not the inverse. Imagine an artistic work of just one color...how dull it will look!
From my observations and experiences, differences culminate into squabbles, conflicts and wars when one tries to force one’s ideologies, beliefs etc on others .A difference becomes perceived as a problem when arbitrary classifications are made based on our natural differences placing some at a relatively higher position and others at the lower end.
No doubt colors initially created to beautify the world have now been tagged with different connotations-some with a negative and others with a positive Pygmalion effect.
White-Clean-Pure-Good-Superior etc
Judge not as not to be judged. When one assumes the role of the creator passing judgment and condemning others simply because of a difference, then the very essence for which we were created different so as to savor becomes lost.
Let’s explore, exploit and employ our differences for the service of humanity. Let differences be seen as complementary portions that need to be assembled to form the whole.Let's learn and enjoy our differences. Let’s use our differences to make the world a more convivial place to live in.
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